In a lot of states, people have plenty of time to file a lawsuit if they are injured in an automobile accident. However, this does not hold true in Louisiana where an individual has only one year to file a lawsuit because of an injury sustained in an automobile accident. An Automobile Accident Attorney in Gonzales LA helps those who have been injured in an accident to bring a speedy recovery of damages from the accident. Here are reasons it is urgent for those injured in automobile accidents to be quick about filing the lawsuit.
A Reason to Be Quick about Filing an Automobile Accident Injury Lawsuit
Since Louisiana allows only one year to file an automobile accident injury lawsuit in a civil court, it is imperative for the injured party to get busy right away. If the lawsuit is not filed within that timeframe, any opportunity to have the case heard will likely be gone. The injured party will also lose the opportunity to be awarded damages because of the case. The first opportunity the injured party gets, he or she should find a competent attorney.
Other Things to Know about Automobile Accident Injury Lawsuits
Louisiana is one state that allows the injured party to sue the insurance company of the other party directly, which makes it easier for the jurors to find in favor of the injured party. If the party causing the accident does not have insurance, it might be hard for the injured party to collect because the jurors might sympathize with the other side. The injured party will need a very skillful lawyer to have a better chance at winning the lawsuit.
Who to Call in Gonzales, Louisiana
Pujol, Pryor & Irwin are attorneys who have been offering personal injury solutions for clients in the Gonzales, Louisiana, area for over five decades of combined experience. In addition to personal injury cases, the lawyers also represent clients in insurance cases, business law, criminal law, and mediation. If there are any parties in need of an Automobile Accident Attorney in Gonzales LA, the lawyers are available. To find out what options are available, Request FREE initial consultation by visiting the website at