You might not have thought much about recycling your waste oil. However, as a business owner you have some compelling reasons to choose an environmentally-safe method of disposal. Besides compliance with local and federal environmental regulations, you contribute to a continuing supply of high-quality oil and can benefit from its lower prices. These direct impacts to your bottom line are great reasons to seek out waste oil recycling in Grand Rapids.
Enhanced Quality at Lower Prices
Oil be re-refined, processed into fuel or converted into raw materials. In some cases, the recycled oil can be offered at lower prices, simply because it uses less energy to produce. As an additional bonus, laboratory and field tests indicate that reused, processed oil outperforms brand new product in several cases. Contributing to a richer, more abundant supply of oil that’s less expensive than newly produced versions should be another incentive to find a provider for waste oil recycling in Grand Rapids.
Avoid Polluting Local Soil and Water
Additionally, the immediate impacts of improper waste oil disposal should not be ignored. That’s because if left in its polluted form and handled improperly, it can contaminate soil and water as well as pose health and safety hazards. This results in negative impacts to the local environment, as well as associated legal and financial penalties.
If your business has already been affected by fluctuating or increased oil prices in the last several years, you’re naturally concerned about how these costs affect your business. Thankfully, choosing a provider of waste oil recycling in Grand Rapids is one way in which you can help ensure a continued supply while safely disposing of used product. In addition, you’ll avoid contaminating local soil and water by merely dumping it or directing it to landfills. Furthermore, you’ll steer clear of the safety hazards posed by dirty oil. Allowing a recycler to handle the waste properly is a wise move that affords you several benefits.