Why the Oil Industry Would be Nowhere Without OFS

by | Nov 8, 2017 | Oil and Gas

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Oilfield services – or OFS – are the backbone of the oil industry as we know it. While not as glamorous as the world of the oil tycoon, that of the oilfield service professional is still a busy and a lucrative one. These companies are also known as oilfield construction companies, and they provide all of the tools and services necessary to get the oil we use out of the ground and into the rigs of oil companies all around the world.

The Role of Oilfield Construction and Service Companies

The part that oilfield service companies play in the overall oil industry is something like that of a horse pulling a carriage. It’s of major importance. The carriage would go nowhere without the horse. Yet the people riding inside or aboard the carriage rarely pause to consider the horse itself, or praise it for its role in moving the carriage from one point to another.

Oilfield construction and service companies are just as much an integral and important part of the world in which they work, but also equally silent. Despite being lucrative and rewarding businesses in their own right, you rarely hear people mention oilfield service as their first thought when considering oil as an industry. Without these hard-working weight-pullers, though, the industry would be going nowhere, fast.

Canada is the Place to Be, if You’re an Oilfield Services Company

Alberta, Canada is home to many oil companies. As Canada’s so-called “energy province”, the area is one of the richest sources of oil and other fossil fuels the world over, and exports fuel products the hundreds of other nations every year. Because of the great need for oil production, there is an even greater need for oilfield construction companies like Platinum Pipe Fitting . These companies build oil harvesting structures from the ground up, creating the bones and providing the muscle for an industry that is very much alive. Next time you’re using an oil-based product, be certain to think of these silent workhorses and the difference they make in all of our lives.