Many parents underestimate the importance of a child’s dental health. As a result, dentists across the country often see a number of toddlers who suffer from cavities and other oral problems. Seeing a child’s dentist in Omaha NE on a regular basis will increase their chances of growing up with nice healthy teeth. A current and expecting parent should take note of the following tips.
Babies And Healthy Teeth
A lack of knowledge is one of the reasons cavities are so common with infants. More parents need to understand that even if an infant’s teeth haven’t appeared, they should still take steps to keep their mouth clean. Any parent can do this by using a special infant toothbrush or soft cloth to gently clean inside an infant’s mouth.
Most pediatric dentists recommend that new parents take their infants in to see a child’s dentist in Omaha NE before their first birthday. In fact, the earlier a dentist sees your child the better things will be. It should be a goal for a new parent to find a reliable and family-friendly dentist to maintain an ongoing and consistent relationship with them and their child.
Yes Or No To Fluoride?
The simple answer is yes to fluoride. Fluoride is an essential component of most toothpaste products because it makes teeth more resistant to decay. Most dentists will recommend a mild fluoridated toothpaste for an infant. If a child isn’t ready for toothpaste, there are a number of fluoride supplements, such as drops or vitamins, that can work to fight acid attacks and decay.
Choosing The Thumb Or Pacifier
Due to “non-nutritive sucking” infant children have a tendency to suck on things even when they’re not hungry. Unfortunately, many children begin sucking their thumbs as infants and this forms into a habit that can last for several years. Many dentists recommend having a child suck on a pacifier because this is often safer for growing teeth and a much easier habit to break. However, prolonged sucking of any object, whether pacifier or thumb, could cause a child’s teeth to grow incorrectly.
Visit for more information about pediatric dentists and infant care. Again, a baby’s oral health should remain a priority from day one. Parents should utilize fluoride products to protect their children’s teeth. Lastly, a parent should begin discouraging their child from sucking on objects around age three or four to prevent unnecessary complications.
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