A surrogate is a substitute plain and simple but a mother is a more complex entity. The woman giving birth is called a mother; but, so is the woman who takes care of feeding, training, advising, loving and nurturing a child after it has been born (even nuns are called mother).
Which Mother Are We Going To Substitute?
For us in the States, the phrase “Surrogate Mother In California” has come to mean that it is the birth mother who is to be substituted. She will allow herself to become pregnant with a child to which she will never be the parenting mother. As a man, I have to take it as read that the maternal bonds developed during pregnancy are very strong; so, I would imagine that any female volunteering to become a Surrogate Mother In California must be an extremely generous person who is prepared to break those anti-natal bonds so that another person can then have the joys that come with parenting.
Whether it is the man who is infertile or the woman; or maybe they are both fertile but she cannot carry the baby the full 9 months or is medically advised that childbirth could be dangerous; or, in this day and age, maybe the childless couple are of the same sex – they all share one thing in common. They are currently childless and they do not wish to remain that way.
Three Choices
For the childless, they can always be philosophical and accept their fate in life; or they can apply to adopt someone else’s child; or they can seek out the services of a Surrogate Mother In California who is prepared to become pregnant and, ultimately, give birth to a child that she will not be parenting and raising. Each choice has its own arguments – pro and con; but, a number of childless couples are opting for the surrogate choice.
They Get A Child – What Does The Surrogate Get?
Obviously, the childless couple will expect to pay for all medical bills; from clinical methods of impregnating the surrogate; through the checkups and other costs during the 9 month’s pregnancy (including clothes and special meals); up to the actual birthing costs. The question then arises over the length of the surrogate’s involvement after she has given birth and any costs that may arise.
More often than not, the Surrogate Mother In California will be performing this service in return for a financial reward. However, there are cases where the surrogate’s motives are entirely altruistic and her reward is in bringing joy to others.