You May Need a Probate Lawyer in Gig Harbor WA

by | May 14, 2018 | Uncategorized

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After people die, their estates have to be settled, and if the estate is a substantial amount, the matter may end up in probate court. The probate process is simply the legal instrument through which the property and other assets of people who have died pass to the beneficiaries. A Probate Lawyer in Gig Harbor Wa is on hand to help clients with this matter to understand how the process works in Washington. Here are some of the specifics about probate law in the State of Washington.

Understanding the Probate Process in Washington

In Washington, it may not be necessary to file matters through a probate court, even if the decedent died without leaving a valid will. Usually, if probate is required, it is because someone wants the matter handled through the probate process, and this could be because of valuable property or money in excess of $100,000. If the matter should go this route, the court will appoint a personal representative to administrate the estate of the decedent. That person will have to ensure that all the decedent’s assets are assembled, all the bills are paid, and that the remaining amounts (if any) are distributed to the proper people.

Why a Person May Be Getting a Probate Lawyer to Help

Obviously, when there is a lot of property and money involved, beneficiaries will want to ensure they get their fair share, and this is where a probate lawyer will be of valuable assistance. The probate lawyer can help the personal representative ensure that all the legal details are accurate and that any wills that may be in existence are validated and taken before the legal system.

Finding a Probate Lawyer in Washington

It should not be hard for a person to find a good probate attorney in the Washington area, as all that is required is a thorough search on the internet.