Your Guide to Choosing the Right Light Bulbs for Energy Savings

by | Jan 10, 2019 | Home Improvement

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Wouldn’t you love to be able to illuminate your space for less money? Everyone likes to save on their energy expenses but knowing how to do so isn’t exactly common knowledge. How can you keep the lights on and still cut down on energy costs?

Choosing the right light bulbs is a great start. Here is your guide to selecting bulbs that will cut your costs and help you keep things well-lit:

Why Incandescent is Out

Have you noticed that most energy-conscious consumers no longer buy traditional incandescent bulbs? If so, you might have wondered why that is. The primary reason is that incandescent lighting is inefficient and can cost you a great deal more in energy costs than other currently available methods.

Over 90% of the energy used by these bulbs is given off as heat, rather than light. That means you’re losing most of the energy you pay for!

What Other Options Do You Have?

The most popular options for energy-efficient lighting in today’s market include:

  • CFL – Compact fluorescent lamps are like smaller versions of the long tube-shaped lights that are used in many office and industrial settings. They use about one-fourth of the energy of an incandescent light and lasts about ten times as long.
  • LED – A Light-emitting diode is one of the most efficient alternatives to the traditional incandescent light, since it uses about one-fourth of the energy and can last nearly twenty-five times as long.
  • Halogen incandescent lights – Today’s improved version of the incandescent light, halogen bulbs are more efficient than traditional incandescent lighting. They are the least efficient of these three options but are still far more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Each of these has their own merits and drawbacks, so deciding which is the best for you is based primarily on what your needs and budget are.

Want to know more about your options for energy-efficient lighting? Talk to your local specialty lighting retailer or anywhere that sells energy-efficient light bulbs in Victoria, BC. The staff should be able to guide you in choosing the right bulbs to help you cut down on your energy bills while keeping things bright and warm all year long.