Your Guide to When to See the Dentist

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Dental Care

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Most of us know that we need to see our family dentist regularly for good oral hygiene and proper oral care. However, knowing exactly how often we need to see our dental professionals can be tricky, especially when outlying circumstances are involved.

Here’s your guide to knowing when to give your local dentist a call:

You’ve Got a Tooth Ache

Nothing is worse than a shooting, stabbing pain in your mouth, and for many people, that’s what a toothache brings. If you’re experiencing tooth pain and aren’t sure why, give your dentist a call. They can help you get to the root of the problem – and solve it.

You’ve Lost an (Adult) Tooth

Lost teeth in children is never a cause for concern, as long as no injury is present. However, the loss of a permanent or adult tooth is another story. If you’ve lost an adult tooth due to a major injury, see your primary care physician, urgent care clinician, or emergency room staff for prompt care. If the injury was minor, call your dentist about having the tooth replaced.

If you lost a tooth due to poor dental care, disease, or decay, you should definitely call your dentist. They are the only one who can help you prevent the loss of more teeth and get your smile back on track to proper health!

You Can’t Remember the Last Time You Went

When was the last time you saw your Dentist Deforest WI? If you can’t remember – or aren’t even sure if you have a dentist – then it’s time to make an appointment.

Contact your Richmond, BC dentist about an exam and annual cleaning. They’ll give you a comprehensive checkup and let you know what’s working with your oral health and what could use improvement. That way, you can keep tabs on your teeth in the future – and stay more current with your dental visits!